Grab Rider Exposes How Scammers Now Ask To Not Take Proof Of Delivery Pics To Avoid Paying



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Grab Rider Exposes How Scammers Now Ask To Not Take Proof Of Delivery Pics To Avoid Paying

By ellephant

Based on an expose by a Grab rider, it appears that scammers latest scam tactics are asking riders to not send a proof of delivery picture to Grab, in order to avoid paying for food. 

A rider was sounded by a customer when he took proof of delivery pic for the company. In their chat together, the rider revealed that the man scolded the rider for taking picture, despite him putting in the order comments not to take a picture. 

The rider however insisted that, that practice common SOPs of the company and that there is no harm in sending a picture, to show that the delivery was successfully made. 

The rider's experience was shared in a Facebook group, which brought about a discussion on how this was the latest scam tactic by scammers in order to avoid paying for food altogether. 

Many believe that people asking for 'no picture' is not a privacy thing, but rather so that they'll be able to claim a free meal by Grabfood, after reporting that the drink or food was not delivered. 

This has put made riders at a disadvantage, even resulting in salary deductions. 

grab Rider scammer proof delivery pictures food pay trending


a writer of sorts



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