Self-Test Kit More Prone to Giving False Negatives?



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Self-Test Kit More Prone to Giving False Negatives?

By ellephant

Based on reports by the FDA, self-test kits have high chances of giving false negatives with the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus. 

"Initial data did show its effectiveness in detecting Omicron, however, with further studies, the tests could also be running at a lower sensitivity", said the agency. 

Sensitivity measures how far a test can go to detect a positive in a person with the Covid-19 virus. Prior tests focused on viruses which weren't heat-activated.  

However, the FDA continues to allow the usage of antigen test-kits, provided users follow given instructions. For instance, taking it twice with a certain time apart, before confirming a negative. 

If someone tests negative from a self-test kit, but has symptoms of the virus, or has been in close-contact with a Covid-19 positive, then they are encouraged to take a PCR test, as it would prove more effective in detecting Omicron. 

selftest covid19 false negative positive Coronavirus pandemic 2021 2022


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