7 Myths And Facts About Milk You Probably Didn’t But Should Know



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7 Myths And Facts About Milk You Probably Didn’t But Should Know

By Huan Lui

Milk contains almost 30% of our daily requirement of calcium and helps build strong muscles. Nevertheless, drinking milk in the wrong ways might do harm to our body. Below are some myths and facts about how we consume milk everyday. Check it out and see if you drink milk wrongly. 

1. Drinking milk with empty stomach

The concentration of gastric juice is very high when our stomach is empty. Drinking milk with an empty stomach causes the protein in the milk to coagulate thus affecting protein breakdown and absorption as well as causing discomfort in stomach. Therefore, milk is best consumed after meal or with starchy foods. 

2. Drinking milk with fruit juice

Adding juice containing a lot of fruit acids like orange juice will cause protein precipitation that will lead to its denaturation. However, this will not affect our body, except for some who would end up having an upset stomach.


Photo source: Food Navigator Asia

3. Heating packaged milk

Raw milk MUST be boiled before consuming in order to kill microbes and make it safe for drinking. On the other hand, packaged milk does not need boiling as it has already been pasteurized. Furthermore, boiling milk will destroy the vitamin and active substances in it, thus reducing its value of nutrition.

4. Adding sugar to milk helps in digestion

The addition of sugar does not make any difference to your digestion. Instead, it only helps improve the texture. Please keep in mind that you should not add too much sugar into your children’s milk in case they get used to consuming sweet stuff.

5. Milk consumed together with egg

Both milk and egg contain a large amount of protein and increase the feeling of fullness easily. This, however, could cause the lack of glucose in your body, resulting in drowsiness for the rest of the morning.


Photo source: Times of India

6. Replacing water intake with milk

Whole milk contains approximately 3% of saturated fat, which half of it is made up of saturated fatty acid that is said to be the main culprit for arteriosclerosis, coronary heart diseases, stroke, breast cancer, rectal cancer and prostate cancer.

7. Taking medicine with milk

Minerals like calcium and magnesium in milk might react chemically with the medicine, producing a layer of film around the tablet. This will reduce the effect of the medicine and even harm your body. It is advised that you do not drink milk 1 to 2 hours before and after you take your medicine.

Source: China Press

Cover photo: Harvard Health Publishing || Innovation District

Milk myths facts

Huan Lui

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