3 Reasons You Are Losing Your Hair!



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3 Reasons You Are Losing Your Hair!

By xweienx

We all find hair around the house all the time, that's normal. Losing hair is part of a healthy metabolic cycle. However, there are many younger and younger people losing more and more hair these days. Have you really gotten a good look at how much hair you lose in a day? Do you know what's considered a "normal" rate of hair loss?

Studies have shown that losing around 50 strands of hair is normal, but if that number goes upwards of 100 strands of hair, then it should be a problem taken seriously! Here are 3 main reasons that you are losing hair faster than you can clean it up.

#1 Incorrect Hair Washing Method

Wet your hair, lather on soap, scrub, wash, and rub down with a towel. If this is your normal hair wash routine, then we've found your first problem! There might not be a right way to do everything, but there definitely is a right way to wash your hair.

Water temperature in itself is important. Avoid using water that is too cold or too hot to wet your hair. Then, use a neutral or only slightly acidic shampoo to lather, all the while massaging the scalp gently with a scalp massager or your knuckles. From time to time, remember to also apply conditioner after. After thoroughly washing off with water, use a medium temperature to blowdry your hair. Lastly, top it off with some hair oil or hair essence.

#2 Tying Your Hair Incorrectly

Many girls choose to go for a ponytail when they need a quick fix to their hairstyle. It is fast, looks neat, and keeps the scalp cool. However, to avoid having to redo their hair multiple times or to avoid the random strands of hair here and there, many ladies choose to go for a very tight ponytail. This will actually keep your hair in constant strain and will damage and loosen the roots in the long term. Hair loss follows sooner or later. So, if you have to go for a ponytail, keep it just moderately tight or go for a lower ponytail.

#3 Mental Stress

In this day and age, nobody would admit they are without stress. Although stress starts mentally, it can easily transpire into physical damage. Loss of sleep and loss of appetite are just some of the more visible signs of stress. However, unseen to the human eye is the effect on your metabolism and hormones, which will lead to problems such as hair loss!

Although there are many other reasons for hair loss such as dirty air, age, and diseases, these 3 that we have mentioned can be overcome quite easily by ourselves. So, wash and tie your hair correctly, find ways to reduce stress levels, and you'll probably see a huge improvement in terms of your hair loss.

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