So Karen je xyah pakai mask ke? Wow! Im so angry bcoz i am local and follow the rules but this mofo can simply walk without mask? This is too much! Mmg area klcc ni tmpt sarang Karen suka2 x pakai mask ke? Mana undang2? Wajar kah aku marah? @Khairykj???
— Amma Llama (@AdibahOj) November 17, 2021
Nah clear view. Mana mask???? Eh hello this is not fair!!!
— Amma Llama (@AdibahOj) November 17, 2021
At this point i want to be white ppl
— ricky (@Puterakamil97) November 17, 2021
Aku marah sbb haritu masa aku strolling dgn anak aku p tgk fountain kt klcc park. Weekdays xde org kosong so aku bukak mask nk selfie ambik gmba dgn anak aku.. Then mai polis tiup wisel dia cakap aku sini xleh bukak mask. Nk ambik gmba pon kene pakai mask! Habes Karen td tu xpe?
— Amma Llama (@AdibahOj) November 17, 2021
Hello @Khairykj pls give Miss Karen a love call. We’re so sick and tired of her antics. Malaysians are adhering to the SOP just fine. What makes her so special? If the the government can deport other migrants, why can’t the same be done to her?
— JoeYangSederhana (@amrashrv_) November 17, 2021
Ya so many of them these days especially along jalan Ampang. Sigh
— Jacq O. (@JMC12Jaga) November 17, 2021