Woman “Cop” Seat In Hospital, Starts Spewing Racial Remarks



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Woman “Cop” Seat In Hospital, Starts Spewing Racial Remarks

By JustineG

The hospital is the worst place to go.

There isn't anywhere to sit during the long wait, so all you can do is roam the corridors to pass the time.

Due to the woman's erratic behaviour, the hospital visitors who were present around her kept an eye on her.

The waiting room appears to be crowded in the video, but just before it was recorded, the woman was seen copping a seat for her partner and children.

She began making racist slurs as another hospital visitor took the seat, alleging that "This isn't China!" because the other person was a Chinese elderly and a younger woman.

To be honest, it is only proper to offer your seat to an old person you encounter, but in this instance, the seat was not technically "taken," therefore they were free to take it.

The witness who recorded this video claims that as she was recounting the events, the woman just turned and scowled at her, threatening to report her to the police when she saw her recording.

The witness was outraged by the woman's racist remarks, so she defended the victims because it was the appropriate thing to do.

She tweeted, "She's racist. Don't misinterpret what I said. It doesn't matter whether she has 10 or 20 children. Don't be racist, that is all. Did you ever go to school?"

Be nice, peeps. It's 2023.

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