We have heard cases of animals and pets get infected by COVID-19, from dogs to cats, and bigger cat (tiger). But will these pets spread the virus as well?
According to the Department of Veterinary Services, pets do not spread the virus and therefore, pet owners do not need to take their pets for COVID-19 screening for the time being.
The department added that "Based on current scientific findings, although pets can be infected with the virus, it is not dangerous as the virus will only cause mild infection in animals."
It also explained that animals cannot contract with the virus naturally, and therefore the incidence of COVID-19 in humans is very much higher.
From the past cases, it shows that cause of infection in animals is through the human transmission. Therefore, the department suggested those pet owners who suspect they are infected with the virus to stay away from their pets and that the owners need to practice good hygiene as well.
News source from The Star.