No matter the age, no matter the gender, a healthy, soft, luscious head of hair is important to everyone.
Having good hair is basically everything, so we're here to impart the knowledge to having perfect hair.
First and foremost is remembering the three most important hair-oiling tips.
Check them out down below.
#1 The more oil the better is a myth
You have to put just enough oil to coat your hair. 2-3 dropper full on your scalp and ends of your hair each. It depends on the length of your hair.
#2 You can have oil on your hair overnight
Most people use it as a prewashing or masking treatment, but putting some at the ends of you hair and going to bed is a good. Jojoba oil is wise option as its most lightweight.
#3 Use the oils that is right for your hair type
For instance, low porosity hair types should not use coconut oil. Find your hair type and then choose oils which are most suited to that hair type.
Three simple tips to follow when it comes to oiling your hair!