Lauv's Concert In KL Is Officially Cancelled As Live Nation Announces Tickets Refund



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Lauv's Concert In KL Is Officially Cancelled As Live Nation Announces Tickets Refund

By ellephant

Following (what we're assuming is the reason), the debacle of 1975 at the Good Vibes Fest 2023, comes the cancellation of Lauv in KL. 

Based on twitterzens, many have been receiving announcement emails from Live Nation stating the cancellation of Lauv's concert which was supposedly to be held in November this year.  

Via the email, reason for cancellation is due to unforeseen circumstances and refunds for the ticket would be made via GoLive. 

Fans have been rather gutted by the entire announcement. 

Besides that, about a month ago, singer songwriter Lauv also came out as bisexual saying "I just wanna be who I am...lil bit into men" on TikTok. 

Earlier in the international music scene in Malaysia, 1975's band leader Matt Healy sparked controversy when he dissed the Malaysian government and kissed his male bandmate on stage at the Good Vibes Fest 2023.  

The music festival was then cancelled altogether. 

Since then, government authorities have announced stricter regulations on concerts and music festivals happening in Malaysia. 

lauv concert KL livenation cancel


a writer of sorts



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