WATCH: Mall In PJ Collapses Because Of Thunderstorms Today



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WATCH: Mall In PJ Collapses Because Of Thunderstorms Today

By ellephant

Based on reports, a mall in Petaling Jaya came crumbling down earlier today because of the rapid thunderstorms. 

A TikTok showed how the ceiling of Megah Rise Mall, PJ came crumbling down while people were still inside today evening (28 Oct). 

The heavy downpour followed by the collapse injured 3 people. Fortunately the injuries were only minor. 

"We regret to inform you that the ceiling of the car porch in front of Megah Rise Mall entrance collapsed during strong winds and heavy downpour this afternoon at approximately 3pm, resulting in three minor injuries.

"We are currently investigating the cause of the incident and are taking immediate action to manage and address the situation.

"Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our community", said a statement from the Megah Rise Mall Facebook page. 

@ohbulanofficial Menurut laporan BFM, ia berpunca daripada ribut dan hujan lebat yang berlaku petang tadi. Siasatan sedang dilakukan. #ohbulan #trendingnewsmalaysia #megahrisemall #entrance #roboh Suspenseful and tense orchestra(1318015) - SoLaTiDo

PetalingJaya PJ thunderstorm building


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