HOROSCOPES: What does my love life look like in March?



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HOROSCOPES: What does my love life look like in March?

By ellephant

Not being able to see what the future could bring can really suck at times. We never know what awaits us and despite the intrigue of the unknown, it wouldn't kill to have some sort of guide/advice. 

In the spirit of that, we did some research about what the month of March could mean for the lot of you (in terms of love) with regards to your horoscope. Without further ado, check it out!

Aries (March 21st-April 19th)


For this sign, the month of March could mean taking things slow with your significant other. As fairytale-like as your love may feel, getting to genuinely know one another would work out in your best interest. 

Sit back and let time do its thing, for as you move well into the month, you and your partner would be able to experience proper affection. Your relationship will eventually grow, and when it does, you shouldn't be afraid to talk to them about your likes and dislikes. Communication is always key. 

Should your relationship be one which is toxic, you may want to re-evaluate what you're putting yourself through. Is this what you truly deserve? Never stay in a place that does not serve you. 

Taurus (April 20th-May 20th)


For Tauruses, March would be a good month to gain clarity on your love life. You may be in a relationship or 'situationship' which doesn't have all the answers. Things could appear confusing and murky. 

However, this isn't what you deserve. Clear all the doubts you may have with this person and set boundaries which will serve in your best interest. Express yourself, communicate and discuss the basis of your relationship. 

Those who are in serious relationships, this is a good time to take things to the next level, get creative and start a family perhaps. 

Gemini (May 21st-June 20th)


For Geminis, Pisces season would be all about communication. As strong and evolving as your relationship becomes with your significant other, they cannot read the inner workings of your mind and heart. 

Learn how to show your partner how you would like to be loved, and at the same time be open to talking about all your fears and worries. Be honest and speak up, even if you have to argue and fight every once in awhile, do it. 

As difficult as the month may get for the two of you, make time as well as effort for one another. It is the only way the two of you can remain connected. 

Cancer (June 21st-July 22nd)


A new chapter has commenced for Cancers, and thus, March would be the best time to go with the flow, and embrace the adventurous time ahead. You would be feeling immense passion this month, and it would be good to channel those emotions to growing your relationship. 

Whatever worries you may have, be vulnerable and talk to your significant other. This is a good time to intellectually connect with them and discuss what the future could hold for the two of you. 

Besides that, March also means better sex lives and a whole lot of orgasms to look forward to!

Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd)


For Leos, March means showing your significant other how much you value their presence in your life. What the two of you have is magic, and it is okay to surrender to that divine connection. 

If things do get a little bit too routined for you, be sure to take time trying new things, adventures and experiences with your partner. This will certainly bring back that spark you're yearning for. 

Besides that, discussing more important matters like money, the future, your time, energy and any other commitments would also work well in your favour. There is no fault in being in a mature, adult relationship. 

Virgo (August 23rd-September 22nd)


With this sign, the month of March will be about putting yourself out there. If you're single, then now is the right time for you to be looking for love, for your chances of meeting someone ideal are on a good high. 

Besides that, Virgos also need to learn how to be vulnerable and express themselves. You may want to try something new and exciting in bed, speak to your significant other about it, because a much improved sex life awaits you.

You have to let others take care of you sometime, but you have to also take care of yourself. Put an end to the things or people who no longer serve you and do not go ignoring the red flags. Remember that your relationship with yourself should always take precedence. 

Libra (September 23rd-October 23rd)


For Libras the month of March may be bringing a new relationship or connection with another person. It is a good and strong one, so both the love and sex? OMG, mind-blowing! Besides that, you and your partner would also be able to deepen the connection the two of you share, so lean into it. 

Don't be so closed off, or opt to repress your emotions. Whoever you're with is prepared to understand you, so communicate your needs, wants and let them in. 

This month is also the right month to have fun. As tempted as you are to keep it altogether, let yourself feel and be liberated, for only the best things await you. 

Scorpio (October 24th-November 21st)


In the month of March, Scorpios would need to look within first and foremost before anything else. You may want to try new things in your relationship, especially things which would lead you out of your comfort zone. 

It is okay to be vulnerable and human, just communicate with your partner. Even tell them what you want in bed, so that they know how to make you feel good. Be present in your relationship, get out of your own head and learn how to say yes more often. 

Besides that, the lot of you would also be seeing some pretty deep and intense conversations coming up this month, as well as future plans with one another. 

Sagittarius (November 22nd-December 21st)


For Sagittarians, it could be a rather trying month ahead. Relationships require work, so it's only normal that everything isn't butterflies and rainbows all day everyday. However, a good abundance of self-confidence, charm as well as charisma is coming your way, so use that to have important conversations. 

Whatever the topic may be, March is the right time to discuss them with your partner. If things becomes too hard between the two of you, know that it is perfectly okay to take some time and space away from each other. 

The world expects a lot, but you do not need to live up to those expectations. Just do what you must for you and your significant other. 

Capricorn (December 22nd-January 19th)


Capricorns would have a fruitful love life in March. This is your chance to deepen and strengthen the connection you share with your partner, for timing seems to be in your favor. 

You will be loved despite your flaws, and this would be enthralling as you're usually at your most authentic when you're being no one other than yourself. Whoever who has your heart right now, is someone you can count on, a backbone ever ready to support your every whim. 

Birds of a feather flock together they say, so sit back, relax and bask in the ambience of it all. 

Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th)


For Aquarians, March will be centered around trust. Whether it is trusting one's self, or trusting one's person, trust is the principle to channel in the third month of 2022. 

Trust yourself and your partner enough, to be your complete authentic self with them. It can feel scary, but if they love you and you love them, fear should take a backseat. If you want to try something new in bed, or try something new in general, talk to them about it. 

Orgasms and intimacy can be in full gear, if you let loose and jump out of your comfort zone. Do things you've never done, but before that, be clear with yourself and your partner. 

Pisces (February 19th-March 20th)


Pisces in the month of Pisces would prove some good loving from a significant other, but only if they learn how to let it happen. You may feel like you don't deserve happiness or love, but chuck those thoughts away. 

You like anyone else, deserve everything and more, so let go of the things which aren't meant to be, and just let life unfold before you. It's okay to be in freefall every once in awhile. 

Express yourself with your partner, communicate your wants and your needs, as your relationship moves into new, more mature perimeters. 

Horoscopes love march Astrology zodiac predictions 2022


a writer of sorts



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