TUDM Candidate Stripped & Brutally Attacked In Horrific Ragging Incident



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TUDM Candidate Stripped & Brutally Attacked In Horrific Ragging Incident

By JustineG

Bullying or ragging is seen to persist not only among students but also among adults, as evidenced by a viral post on social media by a Twitter user, @ummiiiiinmo, who claims that her brother has been a victim of bullying during his training at the Pahang Air Base.

The complainant expressed the ordeal that her brother went through and demanded justice for the incident from the authorities.

According to the complainant, several corporal-ranked military officers allegedly bullied the victim to the extent that he lost his hearing after being kicked.  They also reportedly stripped and beat him with rubber pipes and extinguished cigarettes on his tongue.

Not only that, but the perpetrators also stripped the victim naked and subjected him to group punches and assaults. Furthermore, the family has recently reported the incident to the higher-ups, but no action has been taken so far.

The complainant also claimed that one of the officers threatened the victim, stating that if he were to report their behaviour, no action would be taken against them as the suspects are 'immune' due to their protection from three-star officers.

The incident has not only caused physical injuries to the victim but also inflicted emotional abuse, leaving him frightened and traumatized. The Twitter post has garnered attention from netizens, with many condemning and sympathizing with the situation faced by the complainant's brother.

Youth President, Syed Saddiq bin Syed Abdul Rahman, has urged the authorities to take immediate action if the allegations are true.

The authorities and TUDM have been made aware of the incident and are currently conducting their respective investigations.  Should the investigation confirm the allegations, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against the suspects involved.

malaysia Army air force MRAF TUDM ragging incident bully VICTIM suspects abuse physical hurt Injured candidate


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