Player got fit in 6 months playing Switch Ring Fit | True Story



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Player got fit in 6 months playing Switch Ring Fit | True Story


It’s time to fight back when your parents say, gaming has little benefit to your growth! I'm not encouraging anyone to kept gaming everyday, but to use gaming as a tool to help us learn something or in this case, get super fit! 

With the lock down imposed, many has gotten themselves some gaming equipment to pass time, like Play Station, X Box, Nintendo Switch, etc. Some are just game for fun purpose, while other may involve a little more action, like Ring Fit.

In the past few months, there are plenty of cases of Ring Fit's players successfully lose weight from playing it. Among those success cases, there is this guy, whom I believed is the best example, named k z m on Twitter, tweeted photos of him loosing weight (12kg in 6 months) and getting super fit from playing Ring Fit during the lock down. 
He used to have a chubby body, but now, he has choco-body. I mean look at that six packs!

k z m also shares that he plays Ring Fit for 5 days a week and rest on weekends. Each session, he will play for around 1 hour and he selects Level30 for difficulties, with focus on abs and core. 

The player also shares his diet on Twitter. And from we can see that he takes healthy and low carbs food mostly, even when he is getting takeaway or dining out. Which is why the player is able to get fit in such a short time. 

Although he has gotten an amazing body, k z m still plays Ring Fit as his fitness plan. 

So, if you into getting fit, why not join him? But check the price tag before you get that Ring Fit though.

Cover Photo Source : Right & Left | Middle 

switch ring Fit fitness NINTENDO PS play station game Sports gym health healthy diet plan muscle strong training workout


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