Following Russia's invasion against Ukraine, the country's global perception has deteriorated greatly among most countries around the world, an attack that has since been directly linked to worldwide economical recession; all except Malaysia, apparently.
In a survey conducted by the Pew Research Centre, it is revealed that about 59% of Malaysians are in favour of the Russian president Vladimir Putin. According to the survey, Malaysians also showed the highest level of confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin "doing the right thing" on international affairs, with six out of ten Malaysians supporting him.
"Consistent with trends for Russian favourability, majorities in almost every country surveyed express little confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin... Malaysia is again an exception to the overall trend, as it is the only country surveyed where a majority expresses confidence in the Russian leader," that is according to the report titled "International Attitudes Toward the US, Nato and Russia in a Time of Crisis".
As an average Malaysian, what are your honest thoughts regarding the accuracy of this survey? Share with us in the comment section!