Man Spent Money To Chat With A "Faceless Pornographic Female Anchor", Found Out That It Was His 23-Year-Old Daughter!



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Man Spent Money To Chat With A "Faceless Pornographic Female Anchor", Found Out That It Was His 23-Year-Old Daughter!

By storyteller24

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According to CTWANT, Norwegian psychotherapist Tone Haldorsen recently shared a case that has attracted attention.

Tone said he once received a father who was having suicidal thoughts because he accidentally had sexual thoughts about his daughter.

The father explained the cause of the incident - he joined the OnlyFan payment platform on the recommendation of a friend, and often paid to purchase pornographic content of a certain girl.

The fact that the girl was naked and her face was not shown made the father more and more interested - he was no longer satisfied with just imagining through the content, but had many online chats with the girl.

Driven by curiosity, he subscribed to the girl's channel again because of a friend's recommendation, and learned that she was also a local. This discovery made him more curious whether the girl was someone he knew in real life, so he began to investigate further.

It turns out that the porn anchor he's obsessed with is actually his 23-year-old biological daughter! For this reason, he once had suicidal thoughts because of his own filthiness, and finally chose to seek help from Tone. After a period of treatment, he finally had enough courage to face his daughter.

At first, the daughter was disgusted that her father was a fan of her pornographic content. Fortunately, after the two received psychological counselling together, the relationship between father and daughter gradually warmed up, but the mother was still unaware of all this.

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