“Don’t Take Advantage of Others” Siti Nurhaliza Lashes Out To Scammers Using Husband’s Photos



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“Don’t Take Advantage of Others” Siti Nurhaliza Lashes Out To Scammers Using Husband’s Photos

By Pineapplesz

Malaysia's pride, singer and entrepreneur, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza issued a warning to online sellers who used her and her husband's photographs to promote their products.

Earlier this evening, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza posted screenshots on Instagram of Facebook sellers that claimed her husband, Datuk K had suffered hair loss and somehow their hair loss products had cured it.

"When I kept quiet, these businesses had a party promoting their products that did not involve me nor my husband. My photographs, as well as my husband's, are displayed in business advertisements along with testimonies."

"To those who have read, bought or seen these types of advertisements, please do business the right way. I want to clarify that my husband and I have nothing to do with their products." she further explained.

So to make it clear, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza's products as of now is Simplysiti, BeauSiti, Afiya and her collaboration with Sugardollbynn shampoo.

To the people out there, don't take advantage of others and lets do business the right way and with sincerity.

sitinurhaliza datukk scam stop


Sup, my dudes!



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