Ways To Score Good Results | 8 Useful Study Habits That You Should Try



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Ways To Score Good Results | 8 Useful Study Habits That You Should Try

By Jada

Although some students can effortlessly learn things, most students do not have the skills and motivation. Most of the successful students achieve good results by developing and applying effective study habits. If you want to be a successful learner, don't feel discouraged, as long as you develop good habits as below, you will definitely achieve your goals.

1. Don't learn everything in one day

A straight-A student study consistently, that is, takes a short time to study each day. They rarely study all the lessons in the last few days of the exam. 


2. Plan the time to study

Good students will create their weekly study schedule by arranging a specific time for study within a week. 


 3. Study at the same time every day

Not only planning is important, but it is also important to establish a consistent daily learning process, that is, to study at the same time every day.

Studying at the same time every day shows that you are developing a habit. After a long time, you will become used to such a schedule, and then you can learn more effectively.


4. Set goals while learning

Learning without goals is ineffective. You need to know exactly what you need to accomplish during the study.

Before you start learning, set goals related to your overall learning course, such as completing an assignment. When you know what direction you are studying, you will be more motivated to study.


5. Don't procrastinate on your scheduled study time

Delaying study time may be due to a lack of interest in the subject or the difficulty of the subject. However, straight-A students will not delay their study time because they know that procrastination will lead them to study at the last minute before the exam.


6. Learn the most difficult subjects first

You should start with the most difficult assignments or subjects first because they require many energy and brainpower. Once you have completed the most difficult subjects, it will be easier to complete other subjects and help you to improve efficiency in learning.


7. Review your notes before studying

Review the notes thoroughly to make sure you have some knowledge of what you need to learn, and you will be better prepared to handle the homework you need to do. Reviewing notes before studying helps you learn more effectively.


8. Stay away from the things that would distract you

Distraction such as phone or TV would reduce your effectiveness while studying. There is no problem with listening to songs while you are studying, but if you can't concentrate, it is best to find the atmosphere that suits you.


  9. Study in groups occasionally

Although some people like to study alone, occasionally group study can help you better understand the difficulties you are facing. You can even take this opportunity to teach others. This can help you better understand the subjects. 


Now you know the methods to study effectively. Study smart, not study hard! Find the study method that suits you is extremely important.

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