Your Favourite Movie Genre Reveals Your Personality Type



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Your Favourite Movie Genre Reveals Your Personality Type

By Harriet

The things we choose often relate to our personality. The type of movies we enjoy often reveals our personality. Here’s what your movie choices say about you.

Romance and cooking   

They tend to be communal people who are tender and understanding. However, they are usually uninterested in abstract reasoning. Due to their warm-hearted nature, they usually have long-lasting friendships with others.


Horror film enthusiasts are usually people who believe that real life is a scary place. Although others often see them as pessimists, yet they are usually strong and reliable when they face challenges. They are always expectant of surprises and enjoy the adrenaline rush of something exciting.


Musicals aficionados are people with an aesthetic preference and have a sense of style and good taste in music. They are usually temperamental and good at abstract reasoning.


Like musicals aficionados, sci-fi fans are also good at abstract reasoning. They like to daydream and love thinking outside the box. They are also innovative people who have good imaginations and like to share their ideas.

Documentaries and news  

They are rational person who are typically well organised and independent. Documentaries enthusiast value real-life knowledge and often come across as an intelligent person. They enjoy collecting information and would always be willing to lend an ear. 


Those who enjoy comedy see the fun side of everything. They laugh a lot and love to spread the joy. They are the life of the party and know when not to take things too seriously.

What do you think? Does it fit your personality?

Source: The Guardian and Clozette 

Movie Genre personality test Romance and cooking horror Musicals Documentaries and ne Sci-fi comedy


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