6 Instagram Profiles for Bullet Journal Inspirations



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6 Instagram Profiles for Bullet Journal Inspirations

By xweienx

Many people use calendars and reminders on a daily basis, especially with the various applications in their smartphones, including the stock Calendar and Reminder apps. However, some people prefer to go old school with a notebook, and that's where the art of "bujo" comes in. If you haven't already guessed, that stands for BUllet JOurnalling.

There are many benefits to having a bullet journal, such as recording your daily tasks, birthdays of friends and family members, a movie date, or even just to record you day-to-day moods and feelings for a spiritual journey. Since it is such a personal item, many will spend time to design and customize it to the way they want to. Whether you're new to BUJO or have been doing it for some time, as long as you're looking for some design inspirations, check out these 6 Instagram profiles!

#1 @bullet.journals

This profile has various types of designs every month, from bujo covers to calendar profiles. With 748k followers, there is no doubt that their designs are favored by people from all walks of life. At the end of each month, @bullet.journal comes up with a summary of the most liked design for your reference. Besides, they even provide the links to obtain your bujo materials at a discount!

#2 @bujobeauties

This profile provides some unique designs, sometimes based on particular themes. The artists focus mainly on hand-drawn and cut-out designs. Even if drawing isn't your thing, you'll be sure to enjoy watching their process and admiring their attention to detail. Even though the owners of the page, Sumedha and Samantha, are from India, they've grown to display the works of artists all around the world.

#3 @thepalepaper

Similar to the aforementioned profiles, @thepalepaper sometimes share videos detailing a bujo from concept to creation, suitable for beginners who might need step-by-step instructions to follow. They might also talk about the materials used such as the different types of pens. For those who prefer a cleaner, simpler look, this one's for you.

#4 @plansthatblossom

If you love bujos and doodling, look no further! Profile owner Nicole Barlettano is well known in the art of bujo and there will never be a shortage of doodling ideas. Besides showing off her work on Instagram and Facebook, she also has video tutorials on how to prepare a bullet journal that you can call your own on her YouTube channel.

#5 @notebook_therapy

This profile is much more nature-centric, with floras, faunas, and panoramas as their core concept. With a whopping 1.3 million followers, you know they're doing everything right. They even have their shop providing bullet journal materials with worldwide shipping nonetheless!

#6 @vvnbujo

This profile is owned by 21 year old Vivien Zhong, a Chinese studying in America. Since she takes foods and diets quite seriously, you'll see plenty of it incorporated in her bujo designs. Be careful when going through her profile, you might just get hungry!

Hopefully after going through these profiles, you already can't wait to start on your own bullet journal design. Remember to find what represents you best and incorporate it into your bujo. Eventually, once you've filled it up, it will become a book of treasured memories!

bullet.journal BuJo notebook journal reminder calendar


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