The world fiercest debate is happening today on Goody! Which is the superior pet?
Both dogs and cats will be evaluated based on 7 categories. Each pet will be given treats as points in each category. The pet with the highest number of treats at the end of the debate will be the SUPERIOR PET.
May the odds be ever in your favour. Let the debate begin.
Category #1: Intelligence
Hmmm, so which is the smarter pet?
Dogs have the ability to learn tricks whereas cats have the ability to… erm… can they learn tricks?
According to National Geography, when the animals’ number of neurons were compared, 500 million neurons were found in dogs and only 250 million neurons found in the cat's cortex.
Well, looks like dogs get 5 treats for this category and cats get 2 treats but only because we kesian them. Oh, you stupid lil cuties.
What do you think?
Category #2: Independence
In our opinion la, cats are more independent than dogs. We don’t really have to give them much attention or like get them to do things, they do it on their own.
They eat when they want to, they poop when they want to, they even play when they want to.
You can leave them at home alone, and they just do their own thing.
Dogs on the other hand are quite needy, you need to take them out for walk or let them out of the house so they can poop.
You can’t even leave them at home alone.
Recent research done by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) also states that cats are more independent than dogs.
Looks like cats get 5 treats in this round and dogs get 2 treats for being clingy little poopsies.
Vote below!
Category #3: Money
Which pet do we spend more money on?
Both cats and dogs need the same things, they need food, water, and toys.
BUTTTT, dogs also need grooming, and they need more food than cats because of their huge appetites, not to mention their vaccines and medications.
Cats don’t require much; they don’t require grooming cuz they groom themselves, vaccines and medicines for cats cost less than dogs. Plus, they don’t really need that much medical care cuz they spend most of their days indoors, sleeping.
Sadly, doggos get lesser treats here, 2 treats for these stinky pups and 5 for the super saver cattos.
Share your thoughts here!
Category #4: Cuteness
Okay. How the hell do we compare this category? OMG which pet is cuter???
Aiyo. Can’t decide. Too much stress.
100 treats for both cats and dogs for this category.
What do you think?
Category #5: Manja-ness
Which pet is more manja? Honestly? Dogs.
Cats don’t really want you to manja them unless they are in the mood, which only happens like once in two days.
If you give them unnecessary manjas, they attack you, (insert hissing sound)
Dogs are always and forever open to manja time. They constantly want manjas. If you don’t give them manjas, then they will be sad.
Dogs get 5 treats for this and cats get 1 treat only for being mean lil moewsies.
Do you think we are right?
Category #6: Obedience
Obviously, dogs! They have a pack mentality which makes them follow a leader, so they are more obedient by nature.
I mean, cats won’t even come if you call them. You can scream all you want; they are just going to ignore you.
Doggos get 5 treats and cats still get 3 treats cuz its kind of an endearing quality, that makes us love them more.
What do you think?
Category #7: Crankiness
I think we know who gets lesser treats for this one. Our hissing and clawing cuties – the cats.
They are so cranky. They attack you for nothing. It can be cute sometimes but sometimes it makes us feel like they don’t love us.
Dogs on the other hand are always happy that you’re giving them attention. They rarely get cranky. Merajuk got la but that also for a while only.
Dogs get 5 treats and cats get 2, just to show them that we love them despite their crankiness.
Do you agree?
The Results
Doggos: 124 treats
Cattos: 118 treats
What do you think?