Netflix Confirm Release Date Of Depp v Heard Trial Documentary Series



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Netflix Confirm Release Date Of Depp v Heard Trial Documentary Series

By storyteller24

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Netflix have confirmed the release date for the highly-anticipated documentary about the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial.

Soon after the famed trial, Netflix acquired the rights to a documentary series, with the hit streaming service moving quickly to whip up a production around the court case.

The case actually ended in $5million in punitive damages being awarded, though they were capped at $350,000 by the judge.

Amber Heard managed to bag around $2million in damages due to Johnny Depp's attorney Adam Waldman making defaming accusations.

Though, the storylines that arose throughout the series, including accounts of bizarre incidents that took place during the couple's rocky relationship overshadowed the verdict itself.

The public will now get to relive the trial in the form of a big-budget Netflix documentary, and the release date has already been confirmed.

When will the Depp v Heard Netflix documentary be released?

The US release date for the documentary is said to be August 16, 2023. 

Famed documentary producer Emma Cooper was appointed the director and executive producer for the documentary.

Cooper was behind hit documentaries "The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes", "The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann" and "Bikram: Yogi, Guri, Predator".

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