6 Things To Know Before You Cut Your Hair Short!



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6 Things To Know Before You Cut Your Hair Short!

By xweienx

"New year, new me" is the word, and towards the end of the year is when the ladies start thinking about a new hairstyle. Recently, many Korean idols, such as Girl's Generation's Taeyeon have said goodbye to their long hair and welcomed a much refreshing, shorter hairstyle. However, such a big change requires courage. After all, you can't just simply regret and change it like your hair color. Today, we're going to help you make that decision with 6 important questions. At the end of the article, you should be quite sure on whether to get that haircut or not.

Do you have a round face?

A short hairstyle is quite picky with face shapes, especially against round faces! If you have a rounder face, a short haircut would bring all the attention to your face, which will make it look rounder. If you're still adamant about having the haircut, it is suggested that you have fringes or layering.

Do you have a thick neck?

Because if you cut your hair short, you'll have lesser real estate to cover the other parts of your body. A thicker neck like look a little more obvious then, perhaps even making your face visually larger.

Do you have very thick or very thin hair?

If you hair is thicker than the average, then cutting it short and making it lighter will cause it to "puff up" easily. On the other hand, if your hair is much thinner than the average, it'll "stick" onto your head. We suggest perming the hair to solve these problems or find out other ways to maintain the right amount of "puff" in your hair.

Do you spend time to style your hair?

Unlike having long hair where you can brush a few strokes and be good to go, having short hair requires more effort to style, especially after waking up. Therefore, if you're not one to spend too much time and effort on hairstyling, we think you can give this a pass!

Do you like changing hairstyles?

With longer hair, the options are endless! You can have a ponytail, tie it up into a bun, curl it to get wavy hair and so on. On the other hand, having short hair will greatly restrict your choices, so if you're one to experiment with different styles, shorter hair might not be for you.

Are you afraid of looking to young?

Many people say a short hairstyle visually takes years off your age. If your goal is to look more mature or grown up, then long hair would be more suitable. Otherwise, if you stick to short hair, you'll have to bring in some changes to your outfit and makeup, that'll give a perfect balance of looking cute and mature.

If all 6 of these questions point you towards short hair, then what are you waiting for? Go get that haircut now for a new 2021 you!

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