4 Ways to Know You Have a Good Man by Your Side



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4 Ways to Know You Have a Good Man by Your Side

By ellephant

As we read about all the trashy men out there who constantly make the lives of women so much harder than it needs to be, it can get difficult to know when a man is a gem, or whether he is one you should condemn. 


That being said, how do you find out if the man in your life is a keeper? We think it's pretty easy to spot, but just incase, here are 4 major signs. 

#1 He tries


A man who constantly tries, and doesn't give in to the thought of giving up, no matter the areas of life, is important. He needs to be someone who is hardworking, and is willing to go the extra mile for you. 

#2 He is imperfect


No one is perfect, that is a given. But someone who continuously learns from their imperfections in the hopes of becoming a better person, now that is someone any girl could get down with. 

#3 He complements you


Get you a man who doesn't only compliment you, but also complements you. Someone who only adds to everything you already are as a person. Someone you can live without, but would just prefer it so much more to live with. 

#4 He is reliable


Love is so much, but love isn't everything. To have someone you can always turn to, no matter the situation, that is important. A reliable partner who journeys with you through the throws of life, now those are the things real fairytales are made of. 

There are infinite ways to measure how right a person is for you, or how good a man is on a general scale. 

Nevertheless, these are important, and if he isn't meeting them, or is only scratching the bare minimum surface when it comes to you, then for the love of love honey, show him the door. 

God knows, you certainly deserve better. 


man woman relationship love advice goodman partner companion boyfriend husband romantic romance


a writer of sorts



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