Temperature Checks No Longer A Part Of COVID-19 SOPs, KJ Says



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Temperature Checks No Longer A Part Of COVID-19 SOPs, KJ Says

By Ayunie

Temperature checks at public premises will no longer be required soon, announced the Minister of Health, Khairy Jamaluddin. 


"The ministry has agreed to remove temperature checks from the Covid-19 SOPs. 
This proposal will be brought to the weekly Quartet Ministers meeting and the National Security Council (NSC) for endorsement," said Khairy at a press conference in Parliament.


However, individuals will still be required to flash their vaccination certification upon entering any public premises, and premise owners should still play their part in ensuring physical distancing is properly observed.  


"The ministry also recommends that people switch on the MySejahtera Bluetooth tracing feature which will be very useful for contact tracing," says KJ. "It is not compulsory but highly recommended. The feature will inform you if you are a casual contact. It does not mean you have to be quarantined, you just monitor yourself for symptoms," said Khairy.

COVID-19 SOPs malaysia temperature checks not compulsory


Matcha-fueled Aries reporting for duty.



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