WATCH: Woman's Outburst Over 'No Water' In Petrol Station Toilet Goes Viral



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WATCH: Woman's Outburst Over 'No Water' In Petrol Station Toilet Goes Viral

By JustineG

A video recently circulated on TikTok, featuring a woman who went on a tirade over the fact that there was no water in the petrol station restroom. 

The woman claimed she urgently needed to use the restroom and had her partner stop at the nearby petrol station. hc=YDlvNOUW5K8AX_xsdOn&_nc_ht=scontent.fkul2-3.fna&oh=00_AfAMss58yXQnVJgqHZ5lVfkAya62fMWLAdrDrQdOQ1l -pA&oe=64702DBF

Once inside, she found that the restroom had no water and had to ask someone to buy her water from the kiosk so she could wash herself. 

Instead of leaving and accepting it as a normal occurrence in Malaysian restrooms, the woman proceeded to walk into the kiosk and berate the staff for not managing the toilet properly.

She demanded a refund for the water she had to purchase and insisted that the restroom should have already been equipped with water.

The staff, who hadn't even gone on a break yet, became flustered. In the end, the woman was given two bottles of water, but she was still upset that she did not receive an apology.

The video has since been taken down, but it sparked a discussion about the appropriate behavior in public spaces and the treatment of service staff.

Watch the full video here:

malaysia viral news tiktok petrol toilet water woman angry fight argument staff customer


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