It’s 2020 — Stop Whining and Start Growing Up, Start Your Year Better With These In Your Mind



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It’s 2020 — Stop Whining and Start Growing Up, Start Your Year Better With These In Your Mind

By hygge

Are you one of those people who laughs at "I achieved nothing in 2019" new year memes because you find them relatable?

But after those laughs, you start to rethink...  you actually do feel guilty because you wanted to reach your goals, but somehow you did not...then you went straight and start complaining life had been harsh on you and it tortures you, which leads you thinking "Screw this!"

1. Life is Tough, But So Are You.

It's all about the mindset. We all know life is hard, but it's not as if you are the only one surviving in this harsh reality. Whining about your problems and stressing about it does not make your life any better; it only makes you look weak. Rather than wasting your time complaining that "LIFE IS UNFAIR" , you can actually take that time to think and find solutions for those problems you were whining about.

There is this saying by Buddha, "The mind is everything, what you think you become" If you think life is just gonna be like how it is every other year, then surely your days would be more boring than exciting. Keep your mind with exciting and good thoughts just like how you need to keep your body hydrated everyday! But of course, wishful thinking can't get you anywhere far.*odzGH20S-8sWcGlM9kC0gg.png

 Action speaks louder than words, so start taking actions if you want to check that new year resolution off your list! You wanna lose some belly fat? Start burning those calories in the gym! You think you need to stop procrastinating? Then go and do what you should do now! Small steps are better than NONE!

2. Life is Unfair? Yes It Is.

If you always complain about life being unfair to you, you're not alone dear. But that does not change your life if you keep on talking about how people achieved something big at your age while you accomplished only small things.

You should learn how to celebrate every little small things you did in life. You deserve appreciation too. Keep comparing yourself with others will only result in you drowning with self-consciousness, blinded by other's success while you forgot to focus to work on yours.

Work at your own pace! Everybody has their own timeline in life. You don't have to try and catch up with other's speed just because you think they are doing a great job. Start realizing that your effort matters too! And good things will come to you if you work for what you want.

 Don't rush to achieve success: Stop for a moment and appreciate those little victories in life, if you don't, you will only feel demotivated or tired even though it's just the start of a new year!

Hang tight and Fasten your seat belt! With the right mindset, it's never too late to start off a better life (or year)!

life tips Growing up 2020 new year resolution


"I want to be like water. Slip through fingers, but hold up a ship."



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