Kenari Driver Found "Trick" To Get Pass RFID Without Paying: Through The Overly Wide Bar Gap



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Kenari Driver Found "Trick" To Get Pass RFID Without Paying: Through The Overly Wide Bar Gap

By peachyunnie

Boom gates at a toll booth? Not a problem says this one red Kenari!  
Shared on Facebook by user Francis Yirdaki CT, where his sister captured a car trying to go pass boom gates at a toll booth on the KESAS Highway through her dashcam. From the video, it can be seen that his happened on the 20th April at around 4:40pm.

Though this happens way too often than it should, this video was a little surprising. 

The Kenari did not tailgate illegally to escape the toll but SQUEEZED their way through.  
Francis says in his caption that his sister dared not to share the video, so he decided to share it himself because it is quite impressive. Saying "this is a BRILLIANT move!" 

In the video, it can be seen a red Kenari go up to the RFID toll booth and stop right in front of the boom gates but it does not open.

 After a few seconds, the car starts to reverse. 

Following the lead of the Kenari, Francis' sister started reversing too, thinking that the RFID could not detect the car and they wanted to go through again. (something that happens all the time)  
However, what happens next is where everyone's shock is. 

The car was actually reversing so that they could position themselves perfectly between the two poles and escape through!

"She was wrong, the car was positioning to go through IN BETWEEN the gap of the two poles!"  
In the video, you can hear Francis' sister saying "What?!" expressing her shock as well.

Because no one saw this one coming!  

"Not bad, not bad, good judgement of space!" - And we agree!

To quote Francis and sister, win liow lohhh.

#kenari #Malaysia #RFID #Trending #viral #facebook #foryou #goody #goodymy #car #tol #netizen


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