Craving for Cookies? | Easy Making Low Carb Oatmeal Cocoa Ball



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Craving for Cookies? | Easy Making Low Carb Oatmeal Cocoa Ball

By Littledolphin99

Are you currently craving for cookies even though you do not feel hungry? Cookies are high calories which will cause you to gain weight and become addicted to it. So, a homemade low carb oatmeal cocoa ball can satisfy your craving for cookies.  
Photo source: Everyday Dishes


80g of Rolled Oat

1 Egg

1 tablespoon of Cocoa powder

1 Banana  
Photo source: Quaker


1. Mix 1 banana puree with 80g of rolled oat, 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, and egg.

2. Mould it into a ball shape.

3. Put in the oven for 20 minutes under 200 degrees.  
Photo source: Quaker

Just try this at home! This is a no-guilt cocoa ball which can satisfies your cravings. You can just get all these ingredients easily from grocery stores. This is the healthy version of a cocoa ball which you can enjoy with your family and friends.

Cover photo: Quaker

oatmeal rolled oat Cocoa cocoaball Egg banana oven low carb easymaking low-fat healthy homemade quaker no guilt


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