Home Exercises to Work that Booty & NOT Your Thighs



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Health & Fitness

Home Exercises to Work that Booty & NOT Your Thighs

By ellephant

We all wish we could wake up one day and just be hot. 


Unfortunately though, life's not that kind. The rule is, you want a hot body, you put the work in. Seeing the fact that all we have on our hands these days is a hella amount of time, and literally nowhere to go, a little exercise could go a long way. 

To start off, here are 5 home workouts you can tackle, to grow your booty, without working on your thighs. 

1. Single-Leg Foot Elevated Hip Thrust

Whether it's finding elevated surfaces, or just using your couch, this exercise will have you working on your glutes, without growing your thighs. 

2. Hip Thrust

Using weights or deadlifts will definitely help grow your butt, but doing the exercise on it's own is also a step forward in the right direction. 

3. Fire Hydrant

Like the video above, fire hydrants work best with a resistance band. However, you can also tackle the workout well without one. 

4. Clamshells

Similar to fire hydrants, clamshells also work best with a resistance band. But, they do help enhance your glutes without it as well. 

5. Side-Lying Leg Lifts

Another exercise to help with toning your butt is a side-lying leg lift. A couple reps of this, and you'd be on your way. 

And there you have it, the 5 home workouts you can attempt in the hopes to get your 'hot girl summer' bod. Go get started!

workout exercise home fitness booty butt glutes thighs muscle build hot


a writer of sorts



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