Staying Away From A Douchebag | 9 Traits Of A Douchebag In A Love Relationship



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Staying Away From A Douchebag | 9 Traits Of A Douchebag In A Love Relationship

By Jada

It is absolutely true that love can make people blind towards many things. 

Many sensible girls will often lose their ability to judge when they are in a relationship. 

To find true happiness in a love relationship, girls must beware of the following 9 traits of a douchebag.    

#1. He Doesn't Care About You 

If you find out that he rarely pays attention to your life events, or take the initiative to constantly chat or communicate with you, you are just pursuing him unilaterally and you should re-consider if you are with the right person.  

#2. He Does Not Give You A Sense Of Security

Girls in love are particularly sensitive and obviously they do not need someone with whom they will lose contact for no reason. 

A caring boyfriend can take the initiative to inform you about his whereabouts. It is good to communicate this with your partner if you think this is an important part of a relationship.  

#3. Empty Promises

It’s easy for girls to be fascinated by sweet words of boys when they are in love. 

However, you have to learn to distinguish whether he is deceiving you or he is sincere to you throughout the time you have both spent together.  

#4. Stay Close With The Other Females And Being A Two-Timer

Another typical characteristic of a douchebag is that he always get overly close with his other female friends, and this usually is the the hunt to his affairs.    

And when they get caught for being a two-timer, they always beg you for forgiveness. 

Remember girls, if this happens to you, don't be soft-hearted after listening to those lies. You deserve better.  

#5. Take Control of Your Life

Balance in everything is the golden rule when it comes to a love relationship. 

It is not appropriate if your partner intervenes in your personal life too much and prevents you from other focus in life as well as personal freedom. 

Advises are always welcomed, but it is up to us on whether those advice will help you in your life, or not.  

#6 Never Admit Mistakes

Arguments are also unavoidable when it comes to a relationship. It could be also a form of communication, although not recommended, but we tend to understand each other better after small arguments sometimes. 

The most important thing is to tolerate and accommodate each other. Once we realize the mistakes we made, we can avoid that from happening again in the future. 

However, if your boyfriend doesn't admit his own obvious mistakes all the time, it clearly shown that he is really just a self-centred person because a gentleman will always evaluate himself  to be a better person.  


#7. Not Motivated 

Girls always appreciate the commitments guys made to maintain a relation ship, and vise versa. If your partner is a person who only complains about the world everyday and is unwilling to make effort for changes, then you should really re-consider if this is the person you want tot spend the rest of your life with.  

#8. Love To Spend Your Money

It is not a big deal and is totally fine if you take turns with your boyfriend to make payment when going out for dating. However, if you are always the one who pays the bills, then you better watch out!  

#9. Poor Attitude Towards Family

This point is a very good benchmark to judge whether your boyfriend is the one worth entrusting life! 

If your boyfriend is not considerate and responsible to his family, then you need not to expect he will treat you well in the future.  

Lastly, I would like to share a song called "I Don't Love You" covered by Kyu Hyun from Super Junior. Nonetheless, I hope all girls can find true happiness in their relationship.

#douchebag #couple #loverelationship #boyfriend #girlfriend


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