6 Crucial Items You Should Include In Your Flood Donation Kit, That People Tend To Overlook:



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6 Crucial Items You Should Include In Your Flood Donation Kit, That People Tend To Overlook:

By Ayunie

Whenever there's an emergency of any scale happening, it's common for people to donate used clothes, food, mattress, blankets, and so forth. 


However, there are some things that are equally important, yet not given away enough. Here are the things you should also consider to include in your flood donation kit if you plan to donate: 

1. Clean Undergarments (Both Women And Men)


This is one of the basic essentials that people might hesitate to donate, but desperately necessary. If you have extra funds, do try to purchase clean undergarments for the victims. (Don't donate used undergarments! for obvious reasons.) 

2. Candles


During the flood, electricity would most likely be scarce. A few candles and accompanying matches could really make a difference. 

3. Plus-size Clothing


Not everyone can fit into regular-sized clothing. It'd be handy to include a few plus-sized clothes in your donation so no one would miss out. 

4. Powerbanks


This is IMPORTANT! For most of the victims, smartphones can be their only source of communication and connection to oblivious relatives and close ones who might not be informed of their current situation. A power bank would go a really long way. 

5. Sanitary Pads 



This one goes without saying— it's a lifesaver!

6. Baby Formula


For parents with infants, they'd be forever grateful to be given such a necessity. If you're not sure which brand to get, most people suggest the brand Lactogen. 

Lastly, don't feel bad if you can't donate or volunteer. 2021 has been a bad year for everyone. Even the simple at of spreading the words counts as an invaluable effort too. #RakyatJagaRakyat always, folks. 

banjir2021 flood donation kit crucial Items to include


Matcha-fueled Aries reporting for duty.



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