Many people think that walking exercises are just that - walking. What's so hard about strolling around the park for half an hour? Well, if you want to maximize the health benefits of walking exercises, then you have to do it with the right techniques and postures. Here are some tips and techniques to make the most out of your walking exercises.
#At Least 150 Minutes A Week
For achieve improved health from walking exercises, it is suggested to do at least 150 minutes of brisk walking exercise (quicker than normal) a week or at least 75 minutes of power walking exercise (faster than brisk walking, almost a jog). By just taking 15 - 30 minutes daily out of our busy lives, we're able to use brisk walking and power walking to improve our performance in other high intensity exercises.
#Walking Technique
Your posture, pace, and even arm movement can determine your walking speed and the amount of energy burnt in a session. Start off by keeping your vision focused on 10 to 15 meters ahead of you with your body slightly leaning forward at about 5 degrees. Regulate your breathing by breathing in through your nose and breathing out through you mouth. As for your arms, keep them at a "L" or "V" shape and grip into a light fist, letting them swing naturally as you walk. Your legs should be shoulder length apart and your can estimate your stride by taking 100cm from your height.
#Warm Up, Cool Down
Just like any other exercises, warming up and cooling down is crucial to avoid unwanted injuries. Before your actualy walking exercises, stroll around at a normal pace for at least 5 minutes. Remember to continue to regulate your breathing, and when you feel you're ready, pick up the pace. After your 15 or 30 minutes of exercises, go back down to your normal walking pace and continue for at least another 5 minutes.
Walking exercise is a great form of exercise, especially for the modern generation, as it does not require too much time or equipment. You also don't have to drive all the way to the gym as you can perform the exercise right around your housing area. Keep these tips in mind the next time you go for a walking exercise to get the maximum benefits!