Korean Women’s Secrets To Fairer Skin



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Korean Women’s Secrets To Fairer Skin

By xweienx

Korean girls have always been the envy of the southeast Asian community. It's not just the actresses and K-pop idols too, ask anyone around you and their best description about Korean girls in general would be "bright and fair skinned". 


Even in the age of self love and body acceptance, many girls still look up to the fair skin of Korean women and want to be like them. Fairer skin apprently gives these girls more confidence in themselves. So, how do Korean women actually keep their skin so bright and fair? What are their secrets?


1. Hair Removal

Hair on our skin is actually a matter of genetics, some have more while others have less. But, for those who wish to have skin as smooth as a baby's, then regular hair removal will be required. It is recommended to use either hair removal creams or IPL hair removers as these options are more hygienic and safe for the skin. 


2. Inner Care

To achieve fairer skin, inner care is as important outer care. We're talking about body health here. If you've noticed, Korean women have a habit of consuming Vitamin C and probiotics. You might even see Korean women carrying small satchets of Vitamin C in their handbags. Vitamin C is good for your general health as it improves your immune system besides having whitening effects.

We also know that Koreans are famed for eating grilled BBQ meat and fried chicken. Probiotics help in the digestion of these foods, helping to prevent constipation. This helps to improve health and skin complexion. Oh, before we forget, Kimchi is also rich in probiotic and dietary fibre!


3. Scrub

Scrubbing is unavoidable on the journey to fairer skin. Scrubbing removes dead skin and old cutin. At the same time, it cleans up stubborn dirt particles left slightly deeper in the outer layers of the body. All that's needed is a minutes of massage of face scrub or body scrub on areas that have a darker complexion once a week. Do keep in mind that the effects gradually appear after some time and those with sensitive skin should probably skip this step.


4. Sun Protection

If you think forgetting to put make up on before leaving the house is bad, forgetting to put on sun protection is worse! Whether you'll be indoors or outdoors, whether you'll be out for a few minutes or the entire day, sunscreen is a must, especially in a country like Malaysia! The UV rays will destroy your skin and cause dark spots so definitely complete the ABCs of sun blocking!

(READ: Sun Protection Is As Easy As ABC!)

(READ: Sun Protection? You Are Doin It Wrong!)


5. Whitening Lotion

The final step of getting fairer skin is of course a product whose entire purpose is whitening. Remind yourself to apply whitening lotion every single time after you shower until it becomes a habit. You'll be able to see the difference sooner rather than later.


Whitening and having fairer skin is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't expect to get results after days or even weeks. However, if you have enough discipline, then getting your ideal skin complexion is never impossible!

whitening brightening fair.skin korean skincare


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