3 Freakin’ Easy Hacks for Better IG Engagement



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3 Freakin’ Easy Hacks for Better IG Engagement

By ellephant

Whether any of us would care to admit it or not, we all use social media for an ego-boost. Of course good food, pretty outfits and sensational news, are the many facets why we spend hours on our phones. 

However, no one uses Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok for the purpose of NOT getting noticed. 


That being said, as means to gain more engagement on our IG platforms, user @juliette.andreia on TikTok, shared 3 hacks each of us may use, in order to get more people to visit our IG!

Check em' out.

#1 Take time to create nice stories


After making a post, share it on your story, and spend some time making the story look appealing. Adjust background colours to match your post, add different/fun-looking/unpopular gifs to it, and choose stickers which colours complement the post. 

#2 Add a ton of hashtags


Be sure to put in any and every hashtag you can think of, which would get your story/post trending. Type them out and make them as small as possible so they blend in, into your story. 

#3 Finish off with a popular location


You don't necessarily need to be in Amsterdam to set your location to Amsterdam. Choose a famous location and add it into your story. Also minimize it as much as possible, and you're good to go!

And there you have it. Three quick and cute hacks you can use, in order to increase your IG engagement. 

Dive in and before you know it, you'd have a whole bunch of randos liking and commenting on your pretty pictures, just like you initially intended.


Watch TikTok here.

socialmedia twitter instagram Facebook snapchat tiktok engagement hacks easy 3steps fast


a writer of sorts



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