7 Times When It's Okay to Hurt



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7 Times When It's Okay to Hurt

By ellephant

For the longest of time, we have been taught that showing emotion, being sad, being hurt or broken, is weak. Crying should be done in secret, and unless it's for death, we should do whatever it is we can to be strong. 

It is true, we do need to always do our best to remain strong, because that's just one of the better ways to go about life. However, that doesn't in any way mean that showing emotion is weakness. 


We can mourn for so much more than just death. For instance:

1. Friendships which have ended

Losing friends can be one of the most painful experiences, so grieving over that, it's perfectly valid. 

2. Losing community

Sometimes the people you thought would always have your back, suddenly turns on you. Losing that sense of support, is a good a reason as any, to cry. 


3. The certainty you once had

Not being confident in a situation, a relationship, a person, is a loss, and deserves to be mourned over. 

4. Questioning yourself

Self-esteem, self-confidence, just the mere aspect of not feeling good enough, it can feel pretty crumbling. But remember that it is okay to crumble. 


5. Letting go of who you used to be

We constantly go through change in life. Mourning the person you used to be is how you grow. 

6. Feeling lost

Just like a child who loses his/her parents at a playground, feeling lost and uncertain where you at? It's normal to grief over it. 


7. Losing traditions you were used to

Even the smallest gestures, beliefs, traditions, things we were once used to, can change. Change although important, can be difficult to handle, and that is alright. 

Whether we understand it or not, grieving over the smallest of things, or the biggest of things, doesn't change how something makes you feel. It's okay to not be okay about anything and everything, even if the world believes you should be. 


We all move at our own pace.  

sad hurt advice okay


a writer of sorts



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