These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Going To Have An Extra Steamy Valentine’s Day



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These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Going To Have An Extra Steamy Valentine’s Day

By MJC97

The time for celebrating LOVE is finally here! February 14th a.k.a Valentine's Day! The day where couple who are in love go out of their way to show their significant other how much they love them and just to show them that they appreciate them.  

Singles on the other hand can show themselves how much they love themselves by treating themselves to some good food, expensive clothes and accessories and just making yourself feel so loved by yourself!  

Well according to the magical and mysterious world of astrology, single and couple who are these zodiac signs are going to have an extra STEAMY Valentine's day:

#1 Aries Zodiac Signs (March 21 - April 19)  

Since the moon will be lighting up your romantic fifth house, it is time to bring your A-Game and turn your flirt on. Singles, get ready to dive into the dating world! Couples, use this romantic day to add a little more passion and desire into your relationship. Spice things up a little! 

#2 Leo Zodiac Signs (July 23 - Aug. 22)  

There's going to be a lot of emotions involved in this year's Valentine's day for Leos! As the moon enter your sign early on V-day morning, it will spend the day building toward the powerful full moon that peaks just two days later. So this complicated process will bring up feelings related to self-expression. You will also find a better way to be more authentic and present in your relationship and balance your needs. 

#3 Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)  
As Venus and Mars will be almost kissing your sign on V-day, you in return get a sexy and a lucky day for manifesting your love. Basically, you get a full on passionate energy overload! Lean into it and do something romantic with your partner! At the same time, show your partner your vulnerable side and get deep into your emotions with them!

#4 Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)  

While Aquarius isn't really the most romantic zodiac, this Valentine's day they are all about relationships and love. The full Snow Moon will light up the partnership sector of your chart, so express your feeling openly in your relationship and atop holding yourself back from making more authentic connections. Since you'll be in the mood for love, show your partner your romantic side and plan something romantic for them! 

Valentine’s Day zodiac Zodiac Signs Astrology Steamy


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