Bullet Journaling



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Bullet Journaling

By SabrinaJ

Bullet Journaling

Journalism gives few benefits such as time management where you can track your actions. It might be that you are great at remembering to get to work on time and take your kids to their dentist appointments.

Bullet journals allow you to completely customize the style of your planner. You get to create your own look and allow for more space for events and assignments based on your need. 

If you struggle with a lot of stress and anxiety on a regular basis, the bullet journal will be a benefit. You are able to record your moods and behavior changes, which help you to determine triggers for your anxiety and panic attacks.

Bullet Journal key

Be sure to symbolize your keys so you won't struggle to remember them. Also it'll be a shortcut to put in your journal.

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144731674021.jpg      http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144732869201.jpg    

Monthly Journal

You can write what appointment or activities you have on that day itself to remind yourself.

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144709745551.png        http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144711057851.png    

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144711519421.png        http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144713469551.png    

Weekly Journal

Weekly journal is more in depth than monthlies. You can glance over your assign a specific meetings or events on the day itself. You can prepare yourself for the following day's activities. You can take a week at a time this way which might be less stressful.

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144715333591.jpg      http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144716049971.jpg    

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144716490891.jpg      http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144717560071.jpg    

Spending Tracker

You can design your own way to track your spending’s. Stay on budget with a spending tracker that’s easy to update every day. 

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144719933691.jpg     http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144720731471.jpg    

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144722128151.jpg      http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144723071751.jpg    

Movie to Watch

Update the movies you want to watch so you won't forget them!

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144725328911.jpg      http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144725963891.jpg    

Books To Read

Make a list of books you are interested in so you won't forget them. You can buy these book one by one instead of one go so you won't see your money flying off. Try to set your illustration this way so it will motivate you to finally make it through your "to read" pile.

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144727281871.jpg    http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144728696701.jpg    

Quote Page

Make sure you leave a room of quotes. So you will always be positively motivated.

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144735710071.jpg                http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144738225361.jpg    

Habit Tracker

This will you track your habits. You know what and when you missed it.

http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144742280241.jpg      http://image.goody25.com/images/catalog/27562/20171228_15144742981661.jpg    

So there you go, hopefully all of this will get your life in order and more organized in a more fun, relaxing and colourful way. 

Have fun with your bullet journaling!

bulletjournaling time management monthly weekly Organized colourful RELAXING fun life journaling newyear habittracker habits quotes books list movies watch spendingtracker style


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