Everyone could be Green Finger | Keep these low maintenance plants in your house.



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Everyone could be Green Finger | Keep these low maintenance plants in your house.

By Littlebee

Not born with green fingers and even a cactus could be dead by your hands after a couple of months bought from the nursery? Sometimes, we have to face the cruel reality to admit that we don’t know how to grow plants. Actually, the key point to let the houseplants sustain is to choose the right plants. Even you’re not born with a green finger, you may let your houseplant grow well too.

1. Sansevieria

Are you always too busy for your houseplants? If you’re always tied up by your tight schedule, you may choose Sansevieria.

It could survive with a little amount of sunlight and water. You will only need to water it once every two weeks and place in some corner which could receive natural sunlight. So, you do not need to pay extra attention to take care of it.


2. Tillandsia 

Tillandsia needs more sunlight than water to survive, it could absorb the humidity from the air by itself. This plant suits those forgetful people the best because it will still survive even you forgot to water it.

It could be hanging beside the window or place on the plate as decoration, but the place must be somewhere exposed to natural sunlight. Another good point to keep the Tillandsia is it does not need soil as planting media. Thus making it easier for you to take care of it.


3. Dragon Fruits Sprouts

Dragon fruits sprouts need to be exposed to some indirect sunlight to grow well. Every week you should at least arrange half an hour for bringing it out to receive some sunlight.

It does not need much water to survive, hence spraying water once to twice a week is enough. It is suitable to put on the study desk to help you de-stress. You may bring it under sunlight or give it some spray when you are tired, it may brighten up your mood instantly.


4. Aglaonema

Aglaonema prefers low light or shade corner, it could grow well without receiving much sunlight. Therefore, it is suitable to place in the toilet or in the bedroom.

Aglaonema will be more presentable when it is placed in the shade place compare to a bright place, the color of the leaves will fade if exposed to too much sunlight. However, compared to the 3 types of plants mentioned above, aglaonema needs more water and needs to water it frequently. It needs watering at least once per week to make it grows lively.


Placing house plants around us could bring a lot of benefits. It is not only could purify the air, liven up the indoor ambient and give a place for our eyes to rest too. The above-mentioned plants are recommended to those who love house plants but unable to handle them well. Keeping a house plant is actually as simple as you think, what you have to do is to choose the right plants.

Sansevieria Tillandsia Aglaonema dragon fruits sprout Low maintenance indo Everyone become gree Low light plants Plants no need water


园艺工作者、喜欢手作也喜欢自由行! Horticulturists, love traveling and handmade items!



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