For those who grew up watching television in Malaysia, this may come across as sad news.
Starting 17th February 2021, NTV7 will finally close its curtains for good after 22 years to make way for a new channel. The Ministry Of Education has announced that DidikTV KPM will commerce in place of NTV7.
As you can guess by the name, the new channel will be delivering content centered around both SPM curriculum and co-curriculum as well as relevant news, entertainment, student-produced content, and international programs. It will be launched by our PM, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on the very first day of broadcast at 8 AM.
Many Malaysians are understandably struggling to say goodbye to one of the oldest television channels in the country. It is, after all, a definitive part of most of our childhood.
Goodbye, NTV7. It has been a great pleasure.