Back on keeping up with the Malaysian government and it's antics, is a clear cut article on how career-oriented women apparently tend to be lesbians.
According to World of Buzz, an article from the KKM (Ministry of Health) archives listed how women, who are career-oriented and pursues higher education, are prone to becoming a lesbian.
1. Women love women because women are more romantic beings, which happen to be different from how men are.
2. Women love women because women pursuing higher education, are surrounded by other women, creating a romantic, independent atmosphere.
3. Women love women because women who put their careers above other priorities, celebrates independence.
4. Women love women because some women has an excess of adrenal cortisol hormones in their bodies, thus being more prone to lesbianism.
Netizens have since read the article, and let's just say they do not approve.
— Ari1986 (@X1986Ari) April 14, 2021
W t f
— Edmund Lou (@edmundlou) April 14, 2021