3 Major Closet Decluttering Blunders You Should Avoid



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3 Major Closet Decluttering Blunders You Should Avoid

By DN21

As the famous organizing guru, Marie Kondo, once said: Discard everything that doesn't spark joy. Think about it, a closet brimming with lots of 'dust collecting' stuff won't make you happier. 

As much as we love collecting clothes, some just don't get much wear. If you're going through a lifestyle shift where quality matters over quantity, then now's the time for a major declutter!

But truth be told, decluttering can be time and energy consuming. So if you want a breezy process, here are 3 major don'ts to start with. 


Don't 1- Not Having A Proper Sorting Method

Yes, decluttering is like embarking on a mission where you hope for a successful execution. And such success doesn't happen without proper planning.

One great way is to thoroughly assess the items you really want to sort or throw out. Then, categorize your stuff into 4 separate boxes- charity, recycle, for sale, storage. 

By doing this, you can avoid the hassle of creating another giant pile of mess.

Don't 2- Doing Everything At Once

Don't be too hard on yourself because even Rome wasn't built in a day. If you go all out in one day, you tend to lose track up to the point of not achieving your goal.

Instead, set a day for each sorting category. Example, Monday is for sorting stuff meant for charity.

Don't 3- Getting Too Attached with Your Clutter

"Oh the sentimental value this one holds". Stop that thought. If you plan to rummage through your stuff just to end up keeping everything, then that's not the route you were initially going for. 

Once you get attached, you'll hoard. Instead, start by sorting out the stuff you feel less attached with. As you progress further, the mindset tends to shift and your focus becomes more reasonable. 


#declutter #closetcleaning #mariekondo


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