WATCH: "Wish We Had A Teacher Like Him!" M'sian School Teacher Entertains Students By Singing 'Balik Raya' Song



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WATCH: "Wish We Had A Teacher Like Him!" M'sian School Teacher Entertains Students By Singing 'Balik Raya' Song

By JustineG

As working individuals, we experience the exhaustion of fasting during Ramadan, let alone the schoolchildren. They must feel tired and sleepy, so this teacher took the initiative to cheer his students by providing entertainment in the classroom. The 2-minute 2-second video shows the teacher joining the students in singing and dancing to the late Sudirman Arshad's song "Balik Kampung." 

@mohdfairuz_hj_kassim Bukan main girang lagi hati cikgu dia.. Hahahahha...#Doa #Usaha #Tawakal #TakPerluKataApa #BahagiaCaraSendiri #DapatYangElokHargailah original sound - Fairuz_Kunting

It's delightful to see the teacher bonding with his students like this. Many netizens praised the teacher's approach to education in the comments section. Surely, the parents of these students are pleased to see this too.

malaysia viral news school teacher Entertainment students amusing ramadan raya special occasions Festive balik raya Songs heartwarming


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