We Don't Know If You Know, But Here Are Some Alcohol Facts Which Are Pretty Rad



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We Don't Know If You Know, But Here Are Some Alcohol Facts Which Are Pretty Rad

By ellephant

Casually browsing through TikTok and we came across some pretty cool facts about alcohol!

Some things to note the next time you go partying with your gang:


#1 Room temp. beer gets you drunker faster than a cold beer. This is because it goes into your bloodstream and liver quicker because your body doesn't need to warm it up in order to process it. 

#2 One beer in a hot tub or a hot bath = two beers, one beer = one shot, one beer = one glass of wine

#3 One beer takes one hour to go through your body

#4 Bigger sized people don't feel the effects of alcohol as much as smaller sized people, but their blood alcohol level will be the same


#5 Muscle absorbs alcohol more than fat, so a ripped person will get drunk slower than a chubbier person

#6 There is red wine because the grapes used will be left to marinate with their skins on them

#7 People get the 'asian flush' from drinking because their liver is not processing the alcohol fast enough for the intake that they're taking

#8 Vodka is made from potatoes. So, most monkeys and other animals get drunk on purpose, by eating fruit that has gone bad.


Isn't that cool? 

alcohol facts didyouknow list


a writer of sorts



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