Choose The Right Jade That Matches Your Needs! | Meaning + Purpose



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Choose The Right Jade That Matches Your Needs! | Meaning + Purpose

By m7py

Healing is a much-needed element in everyone's lives! And, jade stones are a big help for that. 

Source: Instagram

But, with so many colors, how do you find the right one that matches your soul's needs? This guide will walk you through things. 

1- Green jade

The most popular color in jade stone symbolizes prosperity. It can attract an abundance of peace & wealth in your life.

2- Black jade

Source: Instagram

Use this stone to get rid of negative energies. The color symbolizes mystery & poise! 

3- Blue jade

The blue jade symbolizes the sea. So, this color calms your mind,, creating inner peace & self-reflection. Use it to encourage your dreams & visions. 

4- Brown jade

Source: Instagram

This color is best to keep your connection with the Earth strong! It gives you comfort & a sense of reliability. You can use it to ground your mind. 

5- Lavender jade

This color is best for spiritual support. It can strengthen your emotional body. Plus, it vibrates at the highest ethereal level. It symbolizes softness & femininity. 

6- Orange jade

Source: Instagram

The jade nourishes joy through connections with all living things. You'll get a quiet simulation of your mind with this stone. 

7- Purple jade

This color encourages mirth & happiness. It can get rid of negativity & purify your aura. 

8- Red jade

Use this stone to strengthen your spiritual life force. It can reduce your fear while encouraging action & initiation. 

9- White jade

The stone clears your mind when you are too distracted. So, you can make better decisions. It also symbolizes freshness & youth! 

10- Yellow jade

Source: Instagram

The color represents cheerfulness & joy. It increases assimilation & comprehension in your life. 

So, get the best jade stone for yourself & start your healing journey! 

jade aura Astrology


Thank you for reading!



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