Social Anxiety? Or Just An Introvert? Here's How to Tell



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Social Anxiety? Or Just An Introvert? Here's How to Tell

By xweienx

Have you ever wondered how some people can be these so called "social butterflies"? They can talk to strangers, crack jokes with almost anyone, and are usually the center of attention in the room. Meanwhile, you can't even bring yourself to ask a stranger for directions to the washroom. Is it because you're an introvert? Or is it because of something more serious - social anxiety?  

First of all, they are not all the same. Here are some signs of being introverted:

1. You prefer to do your part quietly without showing off.

2. You prefer to be the listener in a group, but don't mind conversing.

3. You don't actively form new friendships.

4. Social events leave you exhausted.

5. Compared to heading out for the weekend, you prefer to stay at home alone.  

Meanwhile, these are some clues that point to social anxiety:

1. Interacting with others is stressful, you can't be yourself.

2. You feel stressed among crowds, maybe even sweating and hyperventilating.

3. You always "kill" a conversation.

4. You try to convey your feelings and thoughts but can't find the words.

5. You're afraid of attention and try to live in the background.

6. You're afraid of bumping into someone you know, maybe even avoiding them.  

The difference is subtle, but it's there. A major thing that sets them apart is that introverts actually choose to avoid social interactions while people with social anxiety actually WANT to interact but lack the basic ability to. Introverts feel recharged by staying at home and reading a book, while people with social anxiety have no choice but to escape from the social scene due to stress.

With that said, extroverts CAN have social anxiety. (Yes, you read that right.)  

But why? Being introverted is most likely a trait you're born with but social anxiety is more of a psychological obstacle which can potentially cause some troubles in life. Here are some reasons that lead to social anxiety:

1. Afraid of confrontation (hence afraid to speak out)

2. Lack of the sense of security

3. Lack of self confidence, thinking they are always wrong or their opinions don't matter

4. Afraid of judgement of others  

There is no one size fits all cause, just like there is no one solution for everyone. A good start to improve on your social anxiety is to identify people in your life that you're already comfortable with and get them to help. You could have them introduce their friends one at a time and start from there.

Again, every single one of us is different and this just serves as a simple guide. Hopefully, your social anxiety will not cause you much trouble in life, and you'll overcome it eventually. Good luck!

social anxiety anxious Introvert introverted Extrovert relationship interaction friendship


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