WATCH: Chinese Content Creator Declares Ramly Burger The ‘Number One’ After Tasting It In KL



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WATCH: Chinese Content Creator Declares Ramly Burger The ‘Number One’ After Tasting It In KL

By Dhiviya

The iconic Ramly burger has once again stolen the spotlight, this time earning high praise from a Chinese content creator, Jin Yu Ting.

During her visit to Kuala Lumpur, Jin stopped by a Ramly burger stall along Jalan Sultan, where she eagerly joined the queue. While waiting, she treated herself to a refreshing lime and sour plum drink, which she described as perfectly balanced in flavor.

@jinyuting74 #马来西亚美食 #马来西亚旅游 #夜宵 原声 - 杭一美

When her burger was ready, Jin took her first bite and was immediately captivated by its rich taste and generous ingredients. Unable to resist, she ordered a second burger this time with beef patties, egg, and cheese which she found just as irresistible.  

Declaring Ramly burger as the number one, Jin even claimed that fast food giants like KFC and McDonalds were no match for it. Her glowing review delighted Malaysians, who wholeheartedly agreed that the Ramly burger is truly in a league of its own.  

chinese content creator Ramly Burger delicious


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