Captain America‘s Best Friend is the new 007?! Could she be the first Black female Bond?



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Captain America‘s Best Friend is the new 007?! Could she be the first Black female Bond?


You may have or may not seen the trailer of the upcoming 007 - No Time To Die. Starring one of the best Bond, Daniel Craig, along side with actress, Lashana Lynch, who played Maria Rambeau, Captain America's best friend. 

One of the scene in the trailer, we see that Nomi (played by Lashana Lynch) confronted to Bond that she is a double-oh agent when Bond asked her. And the rumours went off the roof, that Nomi is the new 007, replacing Bond after he retired from active service.  

In a recent interview with E Times, the actress Lynch confirmed that the character she's playing is set to be the next protagonist of the popular film series. 

While confirming the rumours, she also addressed the online abuse she has been receiving since the rumours first spread out. 

"I am one Black woman, if it were another Black woman cast in the role, it would have been the same conversation, she would have got the same attacks, the same abuse," she told the site. 

"I just have to remind myself that the conversation is happening and that I'm a part of something that will be very, very revolutionary." she added. 

Well, this is certainly an interesting twist to our all time favourite film series. Whether or not it will sparks the audience in a new way, we are certainly looking forward to it. 

Source : E Times 
Cover Photo Source : Right | Left 

007 james bond jamesbond mi6 daniel craig Sean connery lashana lynch Captain america black woman brie larson hollywood


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