Hello interns should be paid lah!



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Hello interns should be paid lah!

By ellephant

They say that internships are a means to gain experience, and thus it is perfectly understandable, when companies opt to not pay their interns. 

For those who believe this, we’re wondering, does experience pay for gas? Rent? Food? 


A debate as old as time itself, internships: being paid vs being not, many companies opt to NOT pay their interns, as a means to garner benefit. 

Employers use internships as a cost-effective recruiting strategy for services received, at no cost to them, which indirectly lowers or altogether eliminates labor costs. 

What this means in easier-put language is that, companies get all your effort, and all you get is all the work. 


Not to say that this doesn’t entirely benefit interns, because many do in fact, gain the experience and exposure one would need, in the working world. However, it is with beyond a doubt, that at the end of the day, employers have the upper hand, when it comes to unpaid internships. 

With most internship experiences, interns find themselves burdened with the same workload as a full-time employee, and yet not compensated for it.

This isn’t okay. You see, there are various reasons as to why interns need, nay deserve to be paid today and every other day henceforth. Here are 4 of them. 

1. Good Interns/Future Employees


When employers pay their interns, they are more likely to attract candidates who will actually benefit the company. Seeing the fact that money makes the world go round, many in search of earning would be more inclined to coming on board, when there is means for that to happen. 

This will further propel current interns, to then become future employees. When push comes to shove, whether its full-timers or interns, all companies only look for people who would add value. 

So, employers, if you’re not paying your interns, do you honestly think that you’d get top talent? Think again. 

2. Have you heard about this thing called the economy?


It’s 2021, we’re amidst a pandemic, the economy is crumbling as we speak, and interns are still unpaid? 

Yes, industrial training serves one purpose and one purpose alone, to provide experience and exposure. However, this in no way negates the fact that they should be compensated, for what they do for a company. 

Learning the fundamentals of a job scope, and delivering results every day is essential, but so is having a way to pay for the basics of an adult-living life. Once again, experience does not pay the rent. 

3. Enhance Company Branding


Employers may choose who their interns will be, but remember, that only becomes possible, when interns open up an avenue to themselves, and the skills they possess.

A company who pays rising talent, will more likely encourage talented people to apply for roles at said company. A successful internship experience will generate a positive outlook, which will in turn help company branding in the long-run. 

Keeping your interns motivated is paramount, and what better motivation is there than paying them what they’re owed, right?

4. Paid interns are happy interns

Humans generally function better, when they’re happy and satisfied with the circumstances which surround them. 

Being rewarded for a job well done always bodes well. There is no person who doesn’t like that, as people long to feel included and appreciated, for the things they do. 

The equation is rather simple: -

Paid interns = Happy interns = Good job = Company growth 


Of course, the list as to why interns should be paid is far longer and more detailed than the one presented here, but alas it is unnecessary. 

Despite the many reasons which exists out there, the only one which ultimately matters is that, time and energy should be repaid, merely because that is the right thing to do. That is the ethical thing to do. 


interns internship unpaidinternship paid pay unpaid work industrialtraining experience rent company employer employee cheaplabour strategy labourcosts slavery burden good benefit value economy pandemic 2021 exposure compensate fundamental branding happyinterns paidinterns ethics ethical necessary


a writer of sorts



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