WATCH: Man Threatens To Set His Son On Fire As A Revenge On Wife For Divorcing Him, Now Arrested By Police



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WATCH: Man Threatens To Set His Son On Fire As A Revenge On Wife For Divorcing Him, Now Arrested By Police

6 Days ago
By DN21


“Serves you right!” Those were the cruel words uttered by a 35-year-old father as he placed his terrified child amidst a pile of burning rubbish.

He recorded the despicable act as a way to show dissatisfaction towards his estranged wife, as she had recently filed for divorce.

The incident, which occurred in Pahang, showed the suspect threatening to burn his son alive.

Apparently this wasn’t the first video he had recorded (and sent) to his estranged wife.

According to the latter, she became concerned of their son’s wellbeing after receiving several other videos of him being abused while under his father’s care.

Following the viral video and report, Kuantan Police Chief ACP Wan Mohd Zahari Wan Busu shared that they managed to track down and arrest the suspect inside his car at a bus stop fronting Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Maran 2 at 10.30pm.

#goodymy #GoodyDN21 #fyp #viral #Malaysia #pahang #childabuse #arrest #PDRM #trauma #torture


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