Getting Rid of Face Mask Allergy | Feel good with mask on and off



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Getting Rid of Face Mask Allergy | Feel good with mask on and off


At time of pandemic, mask become a common need, as people need it for protection. However, one may be allergic to it. Some may experience facial rashes right below the face mask area while the rest of the face is fine.

Although it was not as common, but there is still a possibility that it could happen, as documented in 2002-2004 during the SARS pandemic. Reasons may due to increased usage of face mask as well as prolonged usage of face masks. Face mask allergy has also been categorised as part of healthcare workers' occupational hazard.

## Types of presentation ##

1. Contact allergy

Red, scaly, dry and itchy rashes right under the contact area of the face mask. The rash normally do not extend beyond the contact area. It is more common in people who already have sensitive skin. Those who doesn't have sensitive skin may still have it due to the substances used in the face mask production. The condition may worsen if not treated as it may caused discharge and infection on top of the allergy.

2. Occlusive acne

Red bumps on the face and may pus together with black and whiteheads. It could be more worse over the area below face mask. The acne may be caused by occlusion, or the substances in the face mask production. 

3. Contact urticaria

Hives or white red bumps on face after a short contact with face mask. This is not as common compared to the other type.

4. Exacerbation of previous face allergy

This happens to people with pre-existing face allergy, in which the the friction caused by the face mask and the increase in temperature below the face mask can irritate the allergy further.

## Why does this happens? ##
Most of the time, it happens because of increased in face mask usage and prolonged usage of face masks. However, the substances used in face mask production may caused allergy as well. In this case, treat your rashes first and try mask from different manufacturers after you have recovered.

## What can I do at home? ##

First and foremost, only use face mask if it is necessary. For the current situation, it is recommended to practice social distancing and wash your hands more frequently. Apply moisturiser to the rash as often as needed and use a gentle cleanser to clean. DO NOT scratch or rub the rash and avoid exposing to heat. Failing these, seek medical advice. If you are sick and in need of wearing face mask, try to moisturise the rash as frequently as needed and seek medical advice if needed.

## Doctor's Treatment ##

Two of the common things a doctor will first suggest are a gentle face cleanser and a suitable moisturiser. To calm down the allergy, non steroid anti-inflammatory creams and steroid creams may be used. Anti-histamine may be suggested for itch control purpose. While for acne cases, if avoidance does not help improve the situation, anti-acne preparation like creams or tablets may be needed. In some rare cases, other form of treatment may be needed as well, especially for severe cases. 

In short, although it is not as often that a face mask allergy may happens, but in case of it happening, treat it with proper care to prevent it from worsen. And keep yourself safe and hygiene at all time, especially during the time of pandemic. 

Source from New Straits Times.

covid19 COVID-19 Coronavirus malaysia STAYATHOME mask FaceMask allergy


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